The Origin Story


Guest Appearance on "APIs You Won't Hate"

I recently had the pleasure of joining my good friend and mentor, Mike Bifulco, on his podcast "APIs You Won't Hate." We had a fantastic conversation covering a range of topics, from my unconventional journey into the tech world to the innovative work I'm doing at Stashpad. Below is a brief overview of our discussion.


How It All Began

Mike and I met in quite an unconventional way—through a shared love of cycling. A chance encounter on a local greenway in Charlotte led to a friendship built on shared interests in design, technology, and, of course, biking. From there, our paths crossed numerous times, eventually leading to my appearance on his podcast.

My Unconventional Path

I took a non-traditional route into the tech industry. I started my career in finance, then spent a decade in the aerospace industry, eventually becoming a marketing director. During the pandemic, I pivoted to start my own marketing agency. However, my fascination with the developer world, sparked by courses at the Gymnasium, led me to immerse myself in web development, particularly JavaScript.

After a year of intense focus on development, I sold my marketing agency and decided to pursue a career in tech. This journey led me to Stashpad, where I worked as a Developer Experience Designer.

Stashpad: Reinventing Note-Taking

At Stashpad, we're on a mission to transform the note-taking experience for developers. Our app is designed to reduce the burden of capturing information, making it as frictionless as possible. Think of it as a log that you can quickly jot down thoughts, meeting notes, code reviews, and more, all timestamped for easy retrieval.

Highlights from the Podcast

  • Career Pivot: I shared my journey from finance to marketing, then to tech, emphasizing the importance of following your passion and continuously learning.

  • Stashpad's Vision: We delved into how Stashpad aims to simplify note-taking for developers by providing a lightweight, speedy tool that integrates seamlessly into their workflow.

  • API Integration: One exciting future feature we discussed is the development of an API that will further reduce friction in capturing notes by allowing integrations with various tools and projects.

Why Stashpad?

I highlighted some of the unique aspects of Stashpad that make it a standout tool for developers:

  • Speed: Our app is incredibly fast, with sub-100 millisecond response times for basic actions.

  • Keyboard-Centric: Designed to be used entirely from the keyboard, eliminating the need for mouse interactions.

  • Global Shortcut: A global OS shortcut allows quick access to note-taking without disrupting your workflow.

  • Local Storage: Currently, all notes are stored locally, ensuring privacy and security.

Final Thoughts

It was an absolute pleasure to chat with Mike and share my journey and insights about Stashpad. If you're interested in learning more about our conversation or trying out Stashpad, take a listen to the podcast episode above.


Vim for Wimps Pt.1